Saturday, March 3, 2007

Driver Responsiblity Program... our states big joke

I'm so glad that the state decided to make a law that charges people for something they have already paid for. Knowing that they are making money off of nothing is a true inspiration to every capitalist out there.
This law stinks. I had a DWI and I was punished in the courts, making me cough up $2000 after all was said and done. I still have my arguments about it, but in truth I needed a kick in the pants.
But now I have DPS saying that they want some money too. $1000 a year for three years or they take away my license. It's almost highway robbery. Why should I give these people, that had nothing to do in my case, any money at all? Hmmm pay them unfounded money or ride a bike everywhere in Texas... *because Texas is praised for its wonderful mass transit system*
There is nothing helpful about this Responsibilty Law at all. My responsibilty was taken care of in the court of law. Making me pay for my crime twice is absurd.
And the fact that people won't touch it because it puts in $3million a week angers me to no end. I'm so glad the states greed is greater than the cries of the people.
Truly this law has no merit and serves no purpose at all. In their miserable attempt to make people more responsible, they failed to realize one thing. People are already taking responsibilty in court.
Perhaps one day we'll find someone with enough courage to make things right, and propose a Bill to end this needless taxing..err surcharging of peoples money.


NZalud said...

My name is Tamara Shippy, and I came across your story while doing
research regarding the surcharge program. I have contacted a News investigator with my own story (much like your own), and he is currently researching the matter. Through my research I have discovered that MANY people have been affected by the unconstitutional program. I would like to talk with you more regarding the issue. Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you!

Tamara Shippy

NZalud said...

To whom it may concern:
My name is Tamara Shippy. I am a 22 year old Pre-Law student working on a degree in Political Science. After an unfair experience with the Tx Driver Responsibility Program, I have dedicated many months of my time to prepare a report of sorts on the DRP.

What I have discovered is that the entire fate of Texas is connected to the role that the Surcharge Program. This is because the money from the unconstitutional program is earmarked for the Tran-Texas Corridor, which is a strategic segment of what is to become a super corridor that spans the entire North American Continent.

I am hoping to educate the public of this extremely unconstitutional law. The state is suspending people's license over not paying an excessive surcharge fee that is in addition to what you agree to in court. What's more, is the money is going to pay for the Corridor projects, without consent or knowledge or the People or Congress! I believe that spreading the word would enable individuals to better deal with the negative effects that the TX DRP has had on their lives, as well as have a say in their own future.

Please help me in getting the word out! Thank you very much for your time and effort!!

TX DRP Surcharge Petition

Tamara Shippy

pphifer said...


My name is Phillip Phifer and I am starting a website to oppose the Driver Responsibility Program. I believe it is an unfair law that extends the fines and punishment for traffic violations out for three years. It adds excessive surcharges onto fines already adjudicated by the courts. It is a law that is forcing many people into criminal activity because they must drive to get to work, take care of the kids, ect. Have people made mistakes? Certainly! Should they take care of business with the court? Absolutely! Should they continue to be punished by the DPS for three years after they have settled things with the court? NO!

pphifer said...

The new website is: